Entrepreneurs of hate

Is it possible to transform politics around values such as empathy, solidarity and love? Many progressive commentators think so, and have laid out different plans to put these ideas into practice. But empathy and love seem in short supply in the actuality of politics today, crowded out by hate and intolerance.  In one society after another fear-mongering proceeds apace against poor people, immigrants, minorities and anyone else who is not part of the dominant group.

This article first appeared on Open Democracy Transformation.

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Disordered Minds: How Dangerous Personalities Are Destroying Democracy is published!

Irish author and scientist Ian Hughes talks about his new book Disordered MindsHow Dangerous Personalities Are Destroying Democracy which focuses on how a small proportion of people with dangerous personality disorders are responsible for much of the violence and greed that scars our world, with clinical psychologist Paul D’Alton .


Ian Hughes’ book Disordered Minds is essential reading in the era of Donald Trump. ~ Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University

Ian Hughes adds new scientific insight to one of the deepest conundrums of politics: that positions of power appeal to the narcissistic, paranoid psychopaths among us, with catastrophic results for humanity. ~ Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, and the author of The Better Angels of Our Nature and Enlightenment Now.

Read this exceptionally fine and accessible work of scholarship and make it your business to keep these disordered minds from disordering our universe. – Mary McAleese, Former President of Ireland

Fire and fury: the psychodrama of a very stable genius

This article first appeared on Open Democracy Transformation

The release of Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury has heightened concerns about Donald Trump’s mental fitness for office. In her review of the book for the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin says that it shows Trump to be “an unhinged man-child utterly lacking in the skill needed to be president”—despite Trump’s assertion that in fact he’s a “very stable genius.”

In the Guardian, Jonathan Freedland writes that Wolff’s revelations “prove—yet again—what a vile, narcissistic and dangerous man we have in the Oval Office.” And in the New Yorker, Masha Gessen, warns that Trump’s White House is “waging a daily assault on the public’s sense of sanity, decency, and cohesion. It makes us feel crazy.”

Is there any way to get beneath the daily assault on our sanity and try to understand what might be driving the chaos of the Trump Presidency? A good place to start is with the word that many say best sums up the man, which is narcissismContinue reading

Lessons from the Psychopaths of History

‘[O]ne might well describe the twentieth century as the bloodiest period of utopian political experimentation the world has ever witnessed.’ [1]

The regimes of Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Pol Pot support the thesis that people with dangerous personality disorders, when they act together, and when the circumstances are right, can pose an existential threat to society. Each of these leaders clearly displayed traits associated with psychopathy and narcissistic and paranoid personality disorders.  Continue reading

Top 10 Articles on Psychology of Evil

DisorderedWorld is a site dedicated to exploring the damage that psychopaths and narcissists cause in our world. For those new to the site, here is a list of the Top 10 most popular posts. The list covers Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Islamic State, narcissistic bosses, Noam Chomsky, religion and evil, and more…

Please let me know what you think, and message me if you have any suggestions for future articles you would like to see.    Continue reading

Psychopaths and Morality – An Interview With Rob Kall

This week I had the honour of being interviewed by Rob Kall for his Bottom Up Radio Show. Rob is the executive editor and publisher of OpEdNews.com one of the top 100 blogs overall, according to Technorati.com

Rob has a deep interest in psychopaths and the damage they do to societies. His previous guests on Bottom Up Radio have included Clive Boddy, author of Corporate Psychopaths, Sandra Brown, author of Women Who Love Psychopaths, and Donald Black, author of Bad Boys, Bad Men.

The interview was an opportunity for us to explore in some depth some of the main issues surrounding people with dangerous personality disorders, the damage they cause, and what we can do to protect ourselves from the violence and suffering they inflict. Continue reading

Ian Hughes interviewed by Rob Kall on Bottom Up Radio

19 September 2013

Ian has a big picture and a detailed understanding of how psychopaths have caused incredible damage, suffering and pain… and he has solutions.                           Rob Kall, Bottom Up Radio Show                                                 

Ian Hughes was interviewed by Rob Kall for the Bottom Up Radio Show to discuss a world damaged by psychopaths, and to explore some answers.

Rob Kall Interviews some of the world’s smartest, most dynamic people on his Bottom Up Radio Show with the goal of getting them to share their wisdom and knowledge and to stretch their vision. His guests have included Arianna Huffington, Joseph Nye, Greg Palast, Noam Chomsky, Ethan Zuckerman, and Douglas Rushkoff. The show runs 9-10 PM EST, 6-7 PM Pacific on AM 1360 in the United States in the South New Jersey and metropolitan Philadelphia area on Wednesdays.

Rob Kall is also executive editor and publisher of OpEdNews.com one of the top 100 blogs overall, according to Technorati.com

Concluding the show, Rob gave a strong endorsement of Ian’s forthcoming book Imperfect Design, saying

“This is such a brilliant book, pulling together a big picture like no other books on this topic I’ve seen.”

You can listen to Ian’s interview with Rob Kall here